Are you finally ready to stop putting yourself last, playing small in your relationships and feeling like you're never good enough?

Ready to build 
rock-solid confidence, improve your relationships
and fall back in love with


Yay! I am about to open the doors to:

Click below to join the waiting list to be notified first and secure the best price when the doors open!

A vibrant community of women ready to practice GENTLE but RADICAL   


 build rock-solid confidence 
and create thriving relationships!

Yay! I am about to open the doors to:

A vibrant community of women ready to practice GENTLE but RADICAL   


 build rock-solid confidence 
and create thriving relationships!

Click below to join the waiting list to be notified first and secure the best price when the doors open!


Everything you need to stop:

  • ​Feeling unworthy, undeserving or like you're never good enough
  • playing small in your relationships 
  • ​depleting yourself with taking care of everything and everyone around (and completely neglecting yourself)
  • ​feeling stuck in the hurt, resentments or regrets about the past or anxiety about the future
  • ​being overwhelmed or overpowered by your own emotions

And instead, build a solid and long-lasting foundation of unshakable self-love and living the life you love and feel proud of!

I have created this online space so that you can finally find what you’ve always longed for.
To be fully seen.

To be deeply heard.

To be gently held by the supportive and inspiring community of women who get you! 

Hi, my name is Kasia!

I grew up in Poland. My grandparents were World War II survivors and my parents survived the communist occupation after the war.

When I was small, life was governed by one word only - survival.

 I didn’t even know words like 'self-care' or 'self-love' existed when I was a child. So, when I grew up I made my own life about survival, too. 

For years I suffered with severe anxiety and I created (totally unintentionally) plenty of emotional drama, health drama, relationship drama, financial drama … all kinds of drama you can think of.

This cycle of drama and trauma continued for a long time until I was completely burnt out and physically sick

I was desperate. I knew I couldn't go on like that much longer. Managing all the intense emotions that were ruining my life and my relationships was beyond me. I had to do something. It was a matter of life or death. Literally.

I spent years in the classrooms and lecture halls. I attended courses, workshops and trainings. I worked hard with the amazing therapists and coaches I met on my way. But yet something was still missing...

Then, one day during a session with my breathwork coach as I was laying on my mat doing connected breathing exercises, she reached down, gently placed her hand on my shoulder and whispered in my ear…

'You are the most important person in your life.'

That sentence was surprisingly simple, yet powerful beyond what I could have ever imagined.

I AM the most important person in my life!

I am no longer that little girl on a cold snowy day whose own needs fall second to everything else. I deserve to be happy and taken care of. And I am the only person who can do that for me. I am the most important person in my life.

To do this I needed SELF-LOVE. To learn how to accept, appreciate and love myself. To put myself first. 

And the moment I fell back in love with who I truly was, with all my perfect imperfections, all other things started to fall back in place without much effort on my part: my physical health, my energy levels, my relationships, my career, my sense of purpose and meaning and my zest for life.

Self-love changes everything. The way you relate to yourself, the way you interact with people you love (and those you're not so fond of) and the way you live your life. 

It is the most beautiful and rewarding journey a person can take. 


Because all you have ever wanted from life starts with self-love. Always.

Once you join us...
What results can you expect?


You will rediscover (or maybe discover for the first time) your true self-confidence, your shining uniqueness and the gifts and talents you bring to the world.  No more desperate attempts to 'fit in', to fulfil the expectations of others and to chase goals that are not even your own.  You will give yourself permission to be unapologetically and  authentically YOU!


You will learn how to set heathy boundaries and say "NO" without feeling guilty about it. Communicating clearly with others, with respect and kindness and without hiding, pretending or playing small is a necessary part of taking good care of ourselves. You will learn how to deeply care for others without neglecting your own needs and boundaries and how to give without depleting yourself. 


You will learn how to manage your emotions, even the most challenging ones (!), so that they do not disempower or overwhelm you.  
Once you know how to be comfortable even with most uncomfortable emotions, you will feel much more at home with yourself, more confident and more in charge of your life! And this is a huge step towards peace of mind, easiness, energy and zest for life!


You will let go of the things from the past that are weighing you down. We all carry lots of trauma, unresolved issues, emotional baggage that can impact very negatively on our health, wellbeing, energy levels and enthusiasm about our life! I will show you simple ways in which you can let go, make peace with, forgive and accept the past as it was, and thus free yourself to be free and happy in here and now!
Once you join us...
What results can you expect?


You will rediscover (or maybe discover for the first time) your true self-confidence, your shining uniqueness and the gifts and talents you bring to the world. No more desperate attempts to 'fit in', to fulfil the expectations of others and to chase goals that are not even your own. You will give yourself permission to be unapologetically and authentically YOU!


You will learn how to set heathy boundaries and say "NO" without feeling guilty about it. Communicating clearly with others, with respect and kindness and without hiding, pretending and playing small is a necessary part of taking good care of ourselves. You will learn how to deeply care for others without neglecting your own needs and boundaries and how to give without depleting yourself. 


You will learn how to manage your emotions, even the most challenging
ones (!), so that they do not disempower or overwhelm you.  
Once you know how to be comfortable even with most uncomfortable emotions, you will feel much more at home with yourself, more confident and more in charge of your life! And this is a huge step towards peace of mind, easiness, energy and zest for life!


You will let go of the things from the past that are weighing you down. We all carry lots of trauma, unresolved issues, emotional baggage that can impact very negatively on our health, wellbeing, energy levels and enthusiasm about our life! I will show you simple ways in which you can let go, make peace with, forgive and accept the past as it was, and thus free yourself to be free and happy in here and now!

What's included in the Self-Love Incubator Inner Circle:

  • Live Coaching Calls 2X month
  • ​Exclusive Live Masterclasses
  • ​Guest Expert Trainings and Interviews
  • ​Weekly Exclusive Fb Lives 
  • Exclusive Private Fb Group
  • ​Access to ever growing Meditation/ Relaxation/ Visualization Library ​

This course has been a true game-changer for me! Words that come to mind are: liberating, insightful, encouraging, empowering...
In a nutshell, it set me for a journey back to myself - reconnecting me to who I truly am and allowing me to start appreciating myself again - my body, mind and heart.
The first time did it, it felt like 'homecoming'. Since then, I have worked through the modules a few times, each time discovering something new about myself and my life. I know I will be coming back to them over and over again, whenever life throws me out of balance. I'm so grateful I've found it!

- AGA L.

It felt mind-blowing at first.... Seriously? Can I love myself for no reason at all? Just the way I am? Give myself a break? Can I really put my needs first? 
But I was so tired of things not working out in my life that I decided to give it a try. 
I was surprised to discover how easy it was to make the change. I loved simple daily practices, short and totally do-able, and how they led me step by step towards a deep transformation. 
The skills and tools I learnt in this course are a normal part of my life now. They have resulted in small new habits and big lifestyle changes . 
But first of all, they gave me my power back . No longer stuck in the victim role, I can enjoy my life again. For this, I will always be grateful!


"When I first came across this course I felt like my whole life was falling apart.
I was very skeptical at first. I’ve tried so many other things and nothing worked.
But I felt intrigued by the idea that I could fall in love with myself, even if I doubted it was possible.
Soon, my whole attention was engrossed by the course! I started to see results almost immediately. I enjoyed doing the practices and I loved the self-reflection pages. So, I applied myself fully.
And very soon, things started to shift BIG TIME!
This course transformed my whole life and put me on an amazing, joyful personal journey.
Investing my time and money in it was one of the best decisions in my life!


This is not yet another course where you need to rush your way through the material and worry about being left behind.

This is a safe space, full of cutting edge resources and tailor- made support where you can show up the way that works for you and grow at your own pace.

This is a community of women you can rely on, no matter what.
You will never ever feel lonely again! 

Join the waiting list today to get notified first and secure the best price!

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DISCLAIMER: I am not a doctor or medical professional. Seek professional help if needed. I am teaching a system that I know have worked for many women. But success is dependent upon many factors outside of my control, and for that reason, I cannot make any guarantees towards your personal success. No one can guarantee your success because it mainly depends on your personal engagement with the course. The more you put in, the more results you will see. 
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