Psychotherapy That Sets You Free

I want you to know 2 things...

1. You

can live a full, rich and meaningful life, no matter what your life story is. 

2. Psychotherapy

really works. When you integrate talk therapy with cutting-edge somatic, trauma-informed, mindfulness & art therapy - it is simply life-altering. 

If you are seeking

more peaceful, 
authentic & wholehearted
ways of living you life and building your relationships - 

 are in the right place!

What I want you to know about 1:1 work with me: 

It's not a quick fix - it takes time. 
Therapy is a process that unfolds at its own pace. 
If you want to make long-lasting, sustainable change you will need weeks or months of consistent support and commitment to yourself. 

It is challenging.  
We dive deep and often look at parts of you that you tried to deny or avoid for ages. But the reward is sweet. The sense of safety and freedom you feel when you finally stop running, is simply priceless.

It gives you the results you're looking for. 
I have been doing this work for over 15 years. I integrate many different approaches and modalities to create your own unique, tailor-made roadmap to success (whatever success means to you). Together we will create a chrysalis for the transformation you want to go through.

It's exceptional! 
 It's the most beautiful journey you can take - towards feeling at peace and at ease with who you truly are. Towards close, authentic connections with others. 
The journey back home to yourself, because all you are looking for is already here- inside you!

Get my undivided attention for a 30min session. You will have a chance to experience what it feels like to work with me, tell me about your hopes and expectations and we will be able to decide if we want to work together and what kind of support would be most helpful for you right now.

10 most common signs that we can do some amazing work together:

Which of them resonate most with you right now? 

1. You are Steering Through Tough Change.

Life's transitions can be overwhelming. If you're grappling with shifts in career, relationships, or personal identity, I can help you create a steady and safe anchor so that you can move forward with clarity and ease.

 2. You feel ready to Break Toxic Cycles.

If you find yourself trapped in repetitive negative patterns, stemming from past experiences, I can help you uncover their origins and learn healthier ways to navigate life. By reframing these patterns, you will transform your thoughts, emotions & actions and build more positive, fulfilling relationships.

3. You are battling Emotional Storms.

Life's emotional landscape can be challenging. If anxiety, anger, depression, or guilt are surfacing more often than you'd like, I can show you how  to navigate these emotions, understand their origins, and regain your emotional balance and resilience.

4. You are standing at a Confidence Crossroads.

You realize by now that your self-doubts and weak boundaries create a lot of problems, yet you're not sure how to reconnect with your inner confidence and power. I will give you a safe space and effective tools to explore your self-worth, empower you to embrace your strengths and establish healthy boundaries that honour your needs and values.

5. You're trying to solve Relationship Riddles.

Relationships are intricate dances, sometimes stumbling on missteps. Whether you're seeking to mend, strengthen, or untangle relational knots, I will teach techniques for effective communication and understanding as well as feeling safe, grounded and authentic in how you show up in your interactions with others. 

6. You're exhausted with carrying Unresolved Past Hurts

If childhood adversities or traumas continue to affect your emotional well-being and relationships, I can offer a cutting- edge path to healing. Addressing these wounds always leads to an huge sense of relief and a newfound freedom, energy and joy. 

7. Your Heart Is Heavy With Grief

Loss weaves its way through life, sometimes leaving us entangled in grief. I can guide you through the healing process, helping you honor your emotions and find meaning in the midst of loss.

8. You suffer from Aches Beyond the Body

Chronic pain or health conditions can have deep emotional roots. I will help you explore the mind-body connection, providing strategies to alleviate emotional distress alongside physical discomfort.

9. You feel Drained By Giving

Pouring from an empty cup can leave you feeling depleted and unappreciated. If you're constantly caring for others while your own needs are neglected, I will support you in restoring a healthy balance between giving and receiving.

10. You got yourself into Stagnation Stumble.

Life can sometimes feel like a puzzle missing pieces. If you're grappling with feelings of stagnation, lack of motivation, or numbness, we will find fresh perspectives and use effective tools to reignite your sense of purpose.

Remember, in therapy all these patterns and beliefs can be challenged and transformed, so that you stop living at the mercy of old conditioning and finally start feeling at peace and at ease with yourself, others and the world around you. 


Choose the package that fits you best:


3 Months Therapy Package
You will get my undivided attention, support and guidance during 

12 weekly sessions 
(60min each).

You will learn how to navigate you current life challenges with a deep sense of safety, trust and 
 you will also identify, heal and release the roots of the old patterns and inhibitions so that you can reclaim your peace, freedom and joy.  

Deep Dive

3 Months Therapy Package
You will get my undivided attention, support and guidance during 

12 weekly sessions
(90 min each)

My clients who make this  commitment always see profound changes in their lives. 

This is an  inside journey like nothing you've experienced before that will rewrite the narrative of your life - for peace, deep contentment & authentic connections. 

Not easy to commit to weekly sessions?

Check my 
Weekend Intensives - Individual Therapy Retreats

click below to learn more

 I require new clients to commit to one session per week for at least 12 weeks before we discuss decreasing the frequency. After 12 sessions, depending on progress and treatment goals, we can continue every week, or discuss biweekly sessions.

Virtual Sessions
I am seeing clients through a GDPR-compliant video platform. You will need a reliable internet connection, and a private and comfortable personal space to complete online therapy sessions.

Let's talk details: 

1. Book your Initial Consultation - you will get my undivided attention for 30min. We will create a roadmap for you to follow and decide if we are a good match to work together for a longer time. 

2. Choose the package that works for you best.  Many clients stay with me for much longer, but 3 months is the min. commitment 
I ask for, so that you can experience tangible results.  

3. We will choose the date and time that works for both of us and set the starting date.

4. Be ready for the journey of your life! Keep your mind and heart open and know that you are in good hands!


When I first connected with Kasia, it felt like my life was falling apart. I was dealing with a bunch of emotions – feeling super anxious, angry, and even having night sweats. I wasn't really sure if this whole therapy thing was my thing, but I was exhausted and I thought, something needs to change, so I took the leap of faith.

Jumping into 1:1 sessions with Kasia turned out to be a real game-changer. I started feeling better surprisingly fast, and my sleep got back on track too! I had this moment where I realised that because of my experiences as a child I was always taking care of others and somehow completely forgot about myself. Through our work, I actually learned how to look after myself, how to trust and believe in myself,  while still being there for my family and friends.

What's cool is that this work didn't just bring me peace and joy – it actually transformed my whole life. It was like a lightbulb went off in my head. And the best part? It helped me figure out what my life's all about and who I really am at my core."

- Aga L.

I found you at a very vulnerable time in my life not knowing if I could make it through daily & on which path my life was going to take. I was so apprehensive at first. All this work was knew to me but I honestly cannot express in words how much joyful light it has brought into my life. I am doing things Kasia I would never have dreamed off I could have only imagined & now I am not stopping I am pushing for more. I have realised “I am enough” & self love is the core of it all. 

Things you set me up to do girl! Also I feel I did hold back on the retreat & maybe that was because I couldn’t fully show my vulnerable side & plus I had never done a retreat before. 

But Kasia I won’t you to know that you have brought so much light to women’s life’s & will continue to do so. You be proud girl of the life’s you have touched & the life’s you have changed. You will always be my core grounding.

Thank you, thank you, thank you

You keep shining that beautiful light & I hope to be at the next retreat. 

Sending love & hugs I will be forever grateful.


My emotional 'tipping point' was my struggles with my boss. Trough her behaviours towards me I started to feel very uncomfortable and sometimes worthless at work while I knew I had a lot of knowledge and experience in the role I was hired for. The stress wasn't just staying at work, I was bringing it home with me. It was there all the time to the extent that my mind was at work all the time. I couldn't rest, relax or sleep properly. I didn't have enough patience, attention or understanding for my children. I was so worn out that I didn't have enough energy to live my life.

While talking to Kasia I realised that my fears and struggles with my boss are really my fears and struggles from my childhood. She gave me meditations and breathing techniques at the start. Then we were working on interpreting other people's behaviours. I started working hard on understanding that little girl from the past that still lives inside of me. 

I embraced and calmed down her fears. I reminded myself that I am ME, an adult, who has already proven in many situations that I CAN deal with things well even when they are hard. I reminded myself that I can react to other people's behaviours the way that works for me, not necessarily for them.

Kasia told me NOT to build a new me. She told me to unfold layers of me that were blocking me from being happy in my own skin. She told me that I already have everything I need to be who I want to be. This was really revolutionary as I thought I would need to start from the scratch and build a new me. Luckily, this was not the case!

It has been a few months since I started the process of therapy. I can already see a difference in me. I am more relaxed and capable of dealing with situations in life that used to frustrate me. I can respond to my boss/colleagues in a way that makes me feel proud of myself.
I know I still have a lot of work ahead of me but I am very happy that it has started!

-Aoife L.

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